Show Home Operations:

All builders with show homes are required to ensure all visitors wear masks while inside their show homes.
Preventative Measures:
The MHBA reminds members that your continued vigilance in taking the appropriate steps to ensure proper preventative measures are vitally important at this time. All Manitobans 12 years of age and older are eligible to be vaccinated, so please encourage your staff to consider getting fully vaccinated as soon as possible if they have not already done so.
Collectively, Manitoba’s residential construction industry must continue to take as many preventative measures as possible to help protect their employees and help ensure business continuity against COVID-19. 
The MHBA recommends that all members continue to implement these fundamental measures, whether in your offices, showrooms, worksites or show homes.
  • -If any employee or trade has any flu-like symptoms, no matter how minor, have them stay home
  • -Practice social distancing measures in all of your workplaces and worksites;
  • -Keep hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes stocked and available if possible;
  • -Have workers sanitize their hands frequently during the day;
  • -Disinfect frequently used surfaces (Door knobs, countertops, handrails, etc.) on a regular basis;
  • -Post signage at entrances to worksites, your business and show home/rooms asking those who have recently travelled internationally or those who have any flu-like symptoms to not enter; 
  • -Avoid greetings that involve touching, including shaking hands; 
  • -Wash your hands properly and frequently; and
  • -Provide disposable towels/napkins should people wash their hands in your show home/workplace. Please do not use reusable (regular) towels in your bathrooms.
MHBA COVID-19 Resources for Members:
As the COVID-19 event continues to unfold, the MHBA has set up a dedicated web page,, to ensure you have quick access to important information necessary to help you and your businesses navigate this tumultuous time.  
This dedicated page includes links to the MHBA’s COVID-19 updates, plus a variety of health and business resources and will be updated as new information and resources are made available. We will still continue providing updates to you via email as new information becomes available to keep you as informed as possible.
CSAM has also updated its resource page with additional information. You can visit the CSAM page at 
